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about me


So, who am I and how does voice-over fit with this new venture? 


I grew from national and international sales within the healthcare industry into a career in supply chain management, marketing and sales management exclusively in that industry. I travelled extensively in Europe, Africa, Central and South America following which I was offered an overseas posting to develop a business in Spain and Portugal, during which time I lived in Madrid. This expanded my experience to include supply chain management and higher-level leadership.


Upon my return to the UK, I held sales management posts during a time of significant change in the healthcare supply market. This facilitated my embarking on a niche role in combining commercial and supply chain management skills to address the needs of a complex healthcare marketplace within the UK and Ireland.

What did I achieve? Results on the one side, but above all the ability to develop and look after people relationships. It was always about people, earning respect, gaining trust, being authentic and reliable to ensure these relationships were sustainable.

Why is this important? How does this relate to voice-over?

I learnt early that, at the centre of everything, is the customer. This meant not only the customer to whom I was positioning my offer but also with the end customer always in mind – the patient in a healthcare setting. This became my focus in everything I did in my career. It is this which will translate into my voice-over work. 


Managing the customer relationship is fundamental to establishing the platform for success between provider and customer. I seek to understand the real needs and wants of you, the customer, through questioning and listening to achieve clarity and understanding of any project. I then deliver on time in full to the quality expected of me.

Listen to my showreels below or give me a call on 07486 533464 and I'd be happy to discuss your project.

Commercial Showreel
00:00 / 01:41
Narrative Showreel
00:00 / 01:45
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